How to Contribute

How to Contribute

Join the Pylon community and contribute to its growth by following our comprehensive guide on how to get involved, whether through code contributions, documentation improvements, or sharing your expertise.

Thank you for considering contributing to Pylon! Your involvement helps make Pylon better for everyone. Before you start contributing, please take a moment to review our guidelines.


Before you start contributing, ensure you have the following installed:

Getting Started

  1. Fork the Repository: Fork the Pylon repository (opens in a new tab) on GitHub to your own GitHub account.

  2. Clone the Repository: Clone your fork of the repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  3. Install Dependencies: Navigate into the cloned repository directory and install the project dependencies.

    cd pylon
    npm install
  4. Create a Branch: Create a new branch to work on your contribution.

    git checkout -b feature-name
  5. Make Changes: Make your desired changes to the codebase.

  6. Commit Changes: Commit your changes using the Angular commit convention. Please ensure your commits follow this convention for better readability and maintainability of the commit history.

    git commit -m "feat(module): description of the feature"

    For example:

    • feat(module): add new authentication method
    • fix(module): resolve issue with database connection
  7. Push Changes: Push your changes to your forked repository.

    git push origin feature-name
  8. Create a Pull Request (PR): Go to the Pylon repository (opens in a new tab) on GitHub, switch to the branch you created, and click on "New Pull Request". Provide a descriptive title and summary of your changes in the PR description.

  9. Review and Collaborate: After creating the PR, collaborators and maintainers will review your contribution. Be prepared to address any feedback or make necessary changes.

Code Style

  • Follow the existing code style and conventions used in the project.
  • Ensure your code is well-documented and includes appropriate comments where necessary.


  • Write tests for new features and ensure existing tests pass before submitting a pull request.

Thank You

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Pylon! Your contributions are greatly appreciated and help make Pylon even better. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us via GitHub issues or our community channels.

Happy Coding!