

    Get up and running with Pylon in minutes using our easy-to-follow installation instructions, ensuring a smooth start to your development process.


    Before you start, make sure you have the following installed:

    • Bun (A fast JavaScript runtime)
    • npm
    • yarn (optional)
    • Git


    Pylon comes with a CLI tool that makes it easy to create and manage projects. To install the CLI tool, run the following command:

    npm install -g @getcronit/pylon-cli

    Once the CLI tool is installed, you can create a new project by running the following command:

    pylon new my-pylon-project

    This will create a new Pylon project in the my-pylon-project directory.

    To start the development server, navigate to the project directory and run the following command:

    cd my-pylon-project
    bun run develop

    Installed packages

    Pylon comes with a set of pre-installed packages that you can use to build your project. Here are some of the packages that are included:

    • @getcronit/pylon
      • The core Pylon package that provides all the tools to develop your project.
      • Includes a set of pre-built functionalities that you can use to build your project.
    • @getcronit/pylon-cli
      • pylon command line interface.
      • Used to create and manage Pylon projects.
      • Used to build and run Pylon projects.
      • pylon --help for more information.
    • @getcronit/pylon-builder
      • A build tool that compiles your project into a single file.
      • Used to build your project for production.
      • Optimizes your project for performance.
      • Minifies your project for size.
      • pylon build --help for more information.
    • @getcronit/pylon-server
      • The deployment server for Pylon projects.
      • Supports SSL and custom ports
      • pylon-server --help for more information.

    For more information on how to use Pylon, check out our basic usage guide.